The Reverend
Chapter 1.
1 And it came to pass in those days that a man, even the Reverend Daniel Houston Call, didst dwell upon a farm outside of Lynchburg, Tennessee.
2 Yea, he was a man of the cloth, a minister
of the Lutheran persua-
sion, and a maker of sour mash
3 Verily, he didst operate a general store with his kin, and didst keep a still nearby for the purpose of producing that fine spirit.
4 And lo, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four, didst he befriend an orphan lad of tender years by the name of Jasper Newton Daniel, who didst come to work upon the Call family farm.
5 And in time, didst Jasper labor at the Reverend Call’s general store.
6 And it came to pass during the dark days of the Civil War, that the Reverend didst introduce young Mr. Daniel to the art of distillation.

Reverend Dan Call and his wife Mary Jane begat eight children.
7 He didst entrust the lad to the tutelage of Nathan Green, a slave whose service was hired by the Reverend to distill whiskey, and whom he didst praise as “the best whiskey maker he had ever known.”
8 And it came to pass after the war and the abolition of slavery, that Nathan Green didst continue to distill at the Call farm as a free man, and provided well for his family.
9 And in time, Reverend Call and young Mr. Daniel partnered up to form the Daniel & Call Distillery No.7, District 4.
10 But in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, as the Temperance movement didst begin to sweep throughout the land, the Reverend was faced with a serious decision.
11 And lo, he didst choose between his ministry and the whiskey business, for his congregation didst favor Temperance.
12 And so it came to pass that he didst sell his stake in the distillery to Mr. Daniel, making him the sole owner thereof.
13 And it came to pass that the Reverend didst depart from this earthly plane, having attained the age of sixty-eight years.
14 And his mortal remains were in- terred in Mulberry, in the county of Lincoln, in the state of Tennessee.
15 And the Call family didst move across the Appalachian Mountains to Hell’s Half Acre in the foothills of Wilkes County, North Carolina.
16 And verily, they didst continue the family’s whiskey making tradition by distilling moonshine.
17 And among their number was Willie Clay Call, who didst become renowned as one of the greatest moonshiners in all of Wilkes County, the Moonshine Capital of the World.
18 And to this very day, the Call family doth distill quality spirits, legally, generations after Reverend Dan who didst begin it all.
19 Yea, this fine sour mash whiskey is a tribute to the memory and the legacy of all those who didst come before us.
Taste Profile: Aromas of ripe red apples, cinnamon rolls, raisin cake, and fresh ginger give way to robust flavors or roasted pecans, tart cherries, and charred orange peel. The clean finish leaves the drinker with hints of brown sugar-glazed peaches, cured tobacco, rye spice and toasted oak.
Yea, one should partake of this fine spirit responsibly.
And one shall not share of this site with anyone who is not of legal purchase age of such distilled spirits.
Wilkesboro, North Carolina U. S. A.
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